Roxie vs. Japan

All things related to living in Japan.

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Location: Madrid, Spain

I am actively trying to find my home. I lived in Kanazawa, Japan for almost 3 years and now live in Madrid, Spain.

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

End of Term

Well, i have finished my second term of teaching here in Japan. I can hardly believe it! The second term was definately easier than the first. I was also able to read some of the student comments from the fall term. Most were pretty good - i did get a few (expected) she didn't speak Japanese, more Japanese please, please write directions in Japanese. But for each of the comments asking for more japanese, there were equal comments stating that they liked having English class taught entirely in English. Other positive comments were that they *liked* playing games (midterm review jeopardy was a big hit - i also enjoy this one, i get to act like a kooky mix of vanna white and alex trebeck). This was a pleasant surprise -- sometimes its quite hard to read the students' enjoyment levels. But now that know, I will be more confident to play more games. and my favorite comment a simple "Thank you" in English.

so, ok, term over, march vacation, thailand planning, packing, etc. etc. etc.... BUT WAIT! there is still more work! ackk! course assessments and the always dreadfull JABBEE folder (you don't want to know!) await. What to do? Yes, do them is the answer. But I am finding it so so so difficult to motivate. ITs like, well, term is over, classes finished, grades uploaded - what work?!

So I ask you dear reader, should I book a dive course in Koh Tao? If I do that, then I will have less time in northern Thailand. I kind of want to have the freedom to hang out if I feel like it - but what if i decide that I *do* want to dive and I can't book anything???

ahh.... decisions......


Blogger Roxie said...

yes, scuba diving - but i have decided to do that next trip -- i need to do some research first -

9:03 PM  

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