Roxie vs. Japan

All things related to living in Japan.

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Location: Madrid, Spain

I am actively trying to find my home. I lived in Kanazawa, Japan for almost 3 years and now live in Madrid, Spain.

Saturday, March 04, 2006

still in bangkok....

argh. i need to leave. i also need to get away from the internet. but all i feel like doing is sitting in a cafe reading and drinking coffee. no sight seeing today i think.
last night i had dinner with 4 other single girls traveling. german, dutch, australian and french - we were a freaking international round table. although i got the impression that they didn't really like me cuz i was american. i tired to stress that i was a new yorker and that new york was not like america - but...
they were all traveling for like a year at a time. and they were all full of advice for the australian girl who just arrived that day - laos, laos, laos - a freakin' mantra - evern in japan, people told me to go to laos. oh well, next time. my little month long soujurn in safe, easy thaialnd was like so insigninficant to these girls. they were nice, but i was not in thier league. but i kept telling myself that i am a professional, and that i can't just pick up and travel for a year at a time. they all had varios work visas so that they could work here and there along the way. what a life. when i told them that i lived in japan, the duthc girl (she was a little obnoxious) said - oh, you are an english teacher in this self satisfied, know it all way - "i've met loads of people doing that." why this comment bothered me so much, i can't quite put my finger on. when i asked for advice about traveling in australia (maybe next march) they were like, well, in a month, i guess you should just stay in the east - youwon't be ale to see too much in a month. well, a month is all i have i said. and really, thats pretty good. i am going to not let this dinner last night get me down. need to move on. i am happy with what i am doing and franky, i feel quite lucky to be able to travel in thailand for a month!
and with that - need to move away from the computer and get a cup of coffee!


Blogger Roxie said...

thanks mom! actually, i met 2 german girls on the train to chang mai and they were both professional women - one architect and one physisist - they were traveling for a month as well- we lamented together about not being able to take more time from work!

6:04 PM  

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