Roxie vs. Japan

All things related to living in Japan.

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Location: Madrid, Spain

I am actively trying to find my home. I lived in Kanazawa, Japan for almost 3 years and now live in Madrid, Spain.

Wednesday, December 06, 2006


trying to post a picture to my profile hence the last post of me making a funny face. that picture was taken with my new built in mac camera. god. i love this computer. i love that it smells new. i love the way the keys feel under my fingers. and as silly as it may sound, i love the way it looks. its so sleek, white and stylish. yea, i sound like an idiot. i'll stop here.

well, got a bit off topic, didn't i? i'm a little annoyed because any picture that i try to upload for my profile picture is too big for blogger. there is a way to resize pictures, but i don't know what to use for the mac. any advice is appreciated. (myspace allows bigger pictures... )

other than that annoyance, life is fine. i just finished a sudoku puzzle that took me close to 4 days to finish. sad, huh? i'm on the "Beware! Very Challenging" section of the sudoku book. and they are. i usually work on a puzzle in the morning while drinking my coffee before going to work. but this last one almost made me late every day, and resulted not in joyous - "man, am i smart" but frusteration and aggrivation. but, alas, a window opened, and i finally figured it out. so, yea - man, am i smart!

hee hee hee ;)

i've had some interesting cultural differences conversations with students recently. mostly haveing to do with the fact that i am a happy single woman of a certain age. these girls couldn't understand that i was happy and ok without a man.

i'll write more later. time for bed.

currently listening to regina spektor - am really digging her.

Friday, December 01, 2006


the weather is turning. right now, in fact, its thundering and lightening. a sure sign that winter is coming. yes, in kanazawa,when it thunders, you know that snow is on its way. its the strangest thing.

but what better time to eat okonomiyaki.

or how about some kimchi and beer.... oishi so, ne?

just what is okonomiyaki? well, here is a little picture tutorial.

mix it up - good - put it on the grill - make it nice and neat. if having scallops in your okonomiyaki you might want to grill them before adding them to the okonomiyaki.

crack open an egg. grill it. then place your pancake on top of it.

top with sauce, mayo, spicy sauce, nori, fish flakes and you are all set!


stitch and bitch

katya hosted a stitch and bitch. we drank red wine that emmeline brought back from her family's vineyard in france. ate some good snacky food - cheese, persimon salad, cookies, bread sticks.... and knitted.

Back again

this is tokyo's ginza district at night.
I've decided to start using this blog again. i need to ween myself off my myspace addiction.

I recently returned from Toyko. The university I work for has an apartment in Tokyo that any employee can use. This apartment is in a really nice area of Tokyo. I felt quite lucky to be able to stay in such a nice and conveneient area for free! TOkyo is a big, crowded, bright, busy city. just as you imagine. i loved it. felt really alive. kanazawa is a nice city, but being in Tokyo made me realize how small kanazawa is.
oh! and I bought a computer! woohoo! a lovely new gleaming white macbook. its so pretty and it smells new.

here are some pictures from tokyo.

this is the big shibuya crossing. i'll try to take a picture of our minature scramble in kanazawa. its quaint in comparison.

this is from in front of some kind of hostess bar or club. katya and i really got a kick out of posing in front of the Holy Bitch sign. we are still calling each other holy bitch.

this is the maman sculpture in Roppongi Hills. I really dug this sculutre.

Shinjuku crowds at twilight.

more pictures can be seen at